
ProductsCheck Order
location_onHokkaido, Japan
CASI單板滑雪指導員考試訓練營(JOI x JD)
Multi-day tours
Unique experiences
Thrill seeking
Yubari, Japan
Niseko, Japan
Sapporo, Japan
Hokkaido, Japan
Product Code: VR3FYB
playlist_add_checkConfirm within 1 working day
directions_carMeet at the meeting point.
access_timeDuration 9day(s)

Japan Outdoor Institute x JD二世谷中文滑雪學校 x Jstyle北海道株式会社聯合舉辦的CASI 單板滑雪指導員冬季訓練營,今年首次登陸北海道,在雪國實現您成為滑雪教練的夢想! The CASI Snowboard Instructor Winter Training Camp, jointly organized by Japan Outdoor Institute, JD Snowdrift, and Jstyle Hokkaido , is making its debut in Hokkaido this year. Make your dream of becoming a snowboard instructor come true in the powder heaven Hokkaido!


CASI LV1 單板滑雪指導員考試訓練營12月場(夕張Mount Racey滑雪場)

* The amount is subjected to the payment page.
Sold Out

CASI LV1 單板滑雪指導員考試訓練營農曆新年場(夕張Mount Racey滑雪場)

* The amount is subjected to the payment page.

CASI LV1 單板滑雪指導員考試訓練營2月場(夕張Mount Racey滑雪場)

* The amount is subjected to the payment page.

CASI LV2 單板滑雪指導員考試訓練營3月場(夕張Mount Racey滑雪場)

* The amount is subjected to the payment page.

CASI LV1 單板滑雪指導員考試12月場(夕張Mount Racey滑雪場)

* The amount is subjected to the payment page.
Sold Out

The Highlight

  • LV1 3日CASI考官培訓營(英文培訓/中文翻譯協助) + 3日CASI考試(英文考試)
  • LV2 3日CASI考官培訓營(英文培訓/中文翻譯協助) + 4日CASI考試(英文考試)
  • 北海道夕張Mount Racey滑雪場原地訓練+考照
  • 培訓期間均有隨行中文工作人員提供協助與指引
  • 包含住宿及每日早晚餐(選配方案)
  • 北海道最經濟實惠的指導員訓練考試營隊
  • 針對考試內容的紮實培訓,原地考照大幅提升考試通過率
  • LV1 3 days training + 3 days exam
  • LV2 3 days training + 4 days exam
  • Yubari Mount Racey ski resort training + exam
  • Includes hitel and daily breakfast and dinner (optional plan)

The Experience

  • 由CASI考官親自帶領的考試培訓營(隨行中文工作人員)

【CASI Courses Provider】 公司名稱:Japan Outdoor Institute

【北海道運営手配】 公司名稱:JD合同会社(JD Snowdrift 中文滑雪學校) 地址:北海道虻田郡俱知安町南一条東1丁目8-1番地コーポひまわり101号室 北海道知事 登錄旅行サービス手配業第2 1 2号

【北海道旅行実施】 公司名稱:Jstyle北海道株式会社 地址:北海道札幌市中央区南1条西9丁目−15ー2札幌南1条ビル4階B室 北海道知事 旅行登録行 第2ー859号

本行程線上諮詢 JD白金秘書/線上客服 https://lin.ee/1cnAfyS0

Guide Services

Languages Spoken by Guides

  • Mandarin Chinese
  • English

Language in Printed Materials (Booklet)

  • Traditional Chinese
  • English


Day 1
  • Include: Dinner
  • 15:00Travel day Meet at Yubari Mount Racey ski resort
    Travel day
Meet at Yubari Mount Racey ski resort
  • 16:00Free shuttle to hotel Himawari (Only for addirional hotel plan)
    Free shuttle to hotel Himawari
(Only for addirional hotel plan)
  • 18:00Dinner time (Only for addirional hotel plan)
    Dinner time
(Only for addirional hotel plan)
Day 2
  • Include: Breakfast, Dinner
  • 06:30Breakfast time (Only for addirional hotel plan)
    Breakfast time
(Only for addirional hotel plan)
  • 08:00Meet at Yubari Mount Racey ski resort
    Meet at Yubari Mount Racey ski resort
  • 09:00Start Training (Lunch at your own)
    Start Training
(Lunch at your own)
  • 16:00End Training
    End Training
  • 18:00Dinner time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Dinner time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
Day 3
  • Include: Breakfast, Dinner
  • 06:30Breakfast time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Breakfast time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
  • 09:00Start Training (Lunch at your own)
    Start Training
(Lunch at your own)
  • 16:00End Training
    End Training
  • 18:00Dinner time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Dinner time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
Day 4
  • Include: Breakfast, Dinner
  • 06:30Breakfast time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Breakfast time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
  • 09:00Start Training (Lunch at your own)
    Start Training 
(Lunch at your own)
  • 16:00End Training
    End Training
  • 18:00Dinner time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Dinner time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
Day 5
  • Include: Breakfast, Dinner
  • Rest day
Day 6
  • Include: Breakfast, Dinner
  • 06:30Breakfast time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Breakfast time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
  • 09:00Exam Day1 (Lunch at your own)
    Exam Day1
(Lunch at your own)
  • 18:00Dinner time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Dinner time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
Day 7
  • Include: Breakfast, Dinner
  • 06:30Breakfast time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Breakfast time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
  • 09:00Exam Day2 (Lunch at your own)
    Exam Day2
(Lunch at your own)
  • 18:00Dinner time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Dinner time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
Day 8
  • Include: Breakfast
  • 06:30Breakfast time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Breakfast time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
  • 09:00Exam final day(LV1) (Lunch at your own)
    Exam final day(LV1)
(Lunch at your own)
  • 16:00Results announced
    Results announced
Day 9
  • Include: Breakfast
  • 06:30Breakfast time (Only for additional hotel plan)
    Breakfast time
(Only for additional hotel plan)
  • 09:00Exam final day(LV2) (Lunch at your own)
    Exam final day(LV2)
(Lunch at your own)
  • 16:00Results announced
    Results announced

Price Details

Service charge
Professional coach
Consumption tax
CASI x JD 單板滑雪指導員考試訓練營 住宿方案
Personal expenses
Cable car fare
Ski equipment
Shuttle service
Travel Insurance
Casualty insurance

Add-on Items

CASI LV2 Camp 8日住宿餐食加購方案(Hotel Plan) - ¥ 99,000
泊數:8泊 / 8nights 住宿飯店:ホテルひまわり 住宿房型:和室上下舖6人房(男女分別) / Room for 6 people 住宿方案:附每日早餐+晚餐,大小毛巾、牙刷、充電線 / 2 meal included 盥洗:1F大浴場(男女分別) / Japanese public bath
CASI LV1 Exam 3日住宿餐食加購方案(Hotel Plan) - ¥ 49,500
泊數:3泊 / 3nights 住宿飯店:ホテルひまわり 住宿房型:和室上下舖6人房(男女分別) / Room for 6 people 住宿方案:附每日早餐+晚餐,大小毛巾、牙刷、充電線 / 2 meal included 盥洗:1F大浴場(男女分別) / Japanese public bath
CASI LV1 Camp 7日住宿餐食加購方案(Hotel Plan) - ¥ 88,000
泊數:7泊 / 7nights 住宿飯店:ホテルひまわり 住宿房型:和室上下舖6人房(男女分別) / Room for 6 people 住宿方案:附每日早餐+晚餐,大小毛巾、牙刷、充電線 / 2 meal included 盥洗:1F大浴場(男女分別) / Japanese public bath

How to Use

  • Please present order number along with your passport or ID on-site.

Purchase Notice

  • 須為年滿20歲之成年人
  • 最少成行人數為6人
  • LV1 camp 需有一定程度的Snowboard滑行能力(綠線及紅線可順暢S turn)
  • LV2 camp 需有符合CASI LV2標準的Snowboard滑行能力
  • CASI LV1 or LV2 考試部分將以英文進行
  • Over 20 years old
  • Minimum number of people in a group is 6
  • Snowboard ability which LV1 Camp required (Smoothly S turn on red line)
  • Snowboard ability which LV2 Camp required (CASI LV2 riding standards)
  • CASI LV1 or LV2 exam will be conducted in English

Important Booking Information

  1. 行前通知 於訂購後,本公司將於行程開始前14至20日間,寄發行前通知至訂購人於報名時所登錄之電子信箱。
  2. 改期 本行程無法改期。
  3. 滑雪用具準備 學員需於行程開始前自行準備雪具或完成雪具租賃。
  4. 天候因素 如因天候狀況、雪場關閉(以雪場官方公告為準)等其他不可歸責於雙方之事由而無法參加行程者,或由培訓官或本公司工作人員現場判斷不宜繼續進行行程之情況,請聯絡客服,將有專人為學員服務。
  5. 雪場規則 行程中請遵守雪場規則,各式日本法律、社會通念...等(包括但不限於),留意自身及他人安全,並聽從培訓官及本校工作人員指示;若成員未遵守以上規則、拒不聽從教練或本公司工作人員之指示,而於行程進行中等因素所致他人之人身或財產損害,本公司不負其責。

Cancellation Policy

Number of days prior to departure / Cancellation fee
  • Cancellation made at least 31 day(s) before departure date, Fully refundable (100% refund)
  • Cancel during 15 ~ 30 day(s) of departure, will charge 50%
  • Cancel during 0 ~ 14 day(s) of departure, Non-refundable (0% refund)


Meeting Point Info

夕張Mount Racey滑雪場

CASI單板滑雪指導員考試訓練營(JOI x JD)